Thursday, July 31, 2008

Neck Mouth

After he got painted, the other kids never picked on him again!

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Hot Vader Action

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The Dark Knight

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The New Koopa Army

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Pokemon Protein

First, of all anyone who even knows what the first word in the title of this entry is will probably have hurt feelings soon. Second, the entire Japanese science community are a bunch of slant eyed, bamboo sucking, rice dicks that have no right to name complicated proteins until their country can raise it's own army.

What am I pissed about?
Some scientists working a the Osaka Bioscience Institute's Department of Developmental Biology discovered a new protein used to track moving objects in our field of vision, without this protein it could take our brains three times as long to register the movement. So they needed to come up with something to name it after and since they're a bunch of hentai watching child molesters, they chose Pikachu. (The first person to comment about them choosing Pikachu will get their ass kicked.)

These guys are smart. Read their actual description of what the protein is and does Here.

Yet they name this discover PIKACHURIN. After this creature:

It's not even a real creature. Hell if it was you can bet your ass I would kill it on sight:

The name isn't as surprising as I thought though. Look at the scientists:

Yeah, I'd book mark that last scientist too...

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Xkcd: Science Fair

There are few things I enjoy studying, but I worked my ass off for this Science Fair. I'm still can't figure out how I didn't win something.

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Monday, July 28, 2008

A realistic Hollywood Sex-scene

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

It's just sex

Some people may frown on how I choose to live my life, but that's only because they don't understand just how much better it is than theirs. So I've taken some time to search the mighty deep pits of the internet and have returned with something that explains it perfectly.


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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My new tatoo...

I know, I am awsome

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

MMmm Pizza

Domino's Scientists Test Limits Of What Humans Will Eat

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Thought you might like to get the first look at the new Wolverine: X-men Origins trailer.

I know we're all really excited.
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Bitch-slapping Mt. Adams update....

Fuck Red Bull.... They can suck our insanely huge balls. As you can probably tell, our design for the greatest soap box car was turned down by those assholes at Red Bull. Oh well, we at Team Sleeve of Wizard don't need Red Bull. We have moved on to something new.

That's right... We have moved on to Pimp Juice. It's a real energy drink. Even though it tastes like ass it makes you feel like you've just done 40 lines of nose candy. Sorry Red Bull but you just lost the most influencial customers you ever had. Now that Team Sleeve of Wizard is giving it's official endorsement to Pimp Juice, I'm sure that they will de-throne you as the world's number one energy drink any day now.
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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The official Sleeve of Wizard Thumbs-Up Awards

The first official Sleeve of Wizard Thumbs-up Award goes to Andy Dick!

Early in the morning of July 16th, Andy Dick was arrested outside of a Buffalo Wild Wings in Murrieta, California for marijuana possession and sexual battery. I know what your all thinking.... Andy Dick forced some young buck to fuck him in the bathroom but that's not the case. Dick actually sexually assaulted a 17 year old girl by pulling her top down and exposing her sweater meat. We give the official Sleeve of Wizard Thumbs-Up Award to Dick for not being a homo... like 99.997% of America thought he was. Congrats Dick.... now only 97.998% of America thinks your a homo, but you have us convinced.
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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

MS 150 aftermath...

Shak and I completed the MS150. I did it flawlessly, Shak on the other hand had some issues.

We had to ride through this rainstorm:

Shak did not believe he needed to stake down his tent in the 40+ mph winds and rainstorm... He woke up to this....
Then, he was in a nice bike crash...

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Online dating

Here at Sleeve of Wizard, we believe in trying new things. We have decided to move into the field of online dating, and we've picked our first bachelor. We think he's perfect. He's intelligent and he knows the way to a woman's heart.

On second thought, maybe he's not so perfect after all. Well maybe you'll like our second bachelor. He's a successful weather man on the news. That's right ladies.... a celebrity. And.. for all you single mom's out there... he sure does love kids.

I think we're going to stop trying new things now.
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Friday, July 11, 2008

Sad news...

It is no secret here at team sleeve of wizard that we are all making 6 figure salaries and our checks are huge:

However, after some unscrupulous behavior on company time we have had to put pittmaca on probation. He is currently flying to LA to undergo some re-training. This is unpaid leave.

We thought it was the right thing to do to publicly explain his actions and our policy's regarding this type of behavior.

1. On company time he went to a bar in the shady area of downtown.
- Our policy states:
At no time shall an employee during regular business hours be intoxicated or attempt to become intoxicated unless said employee
a) Is celebrating a Cincinnati Bengals or reds win
b) Found out he is in fact not the father
c) Is going on a "Beer Run" to restock the company fridge.

In branching out on his own pittmaca broke this rule.

2. On company time he received an adult dance from an intoxicated female.
- Our policy states:
At no time shall an employee engage in adult activity unless:
a) Employee is at his desk
b) Employee is giving an "interview"
c) Employee is doing research in his next post.

pittmaca's actions have affected his work, and have shamed the entire sleeveofwizard team.

Hopefully he comes back from LA with a little more respect for himself and his company.

Attached is the evidence of pittmaca caught in the act.

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Great American Douche-bag

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

MS 150

In honor of Shak and I riding 150 miles this weekend to fight multiple sclerosis
(see Bob, who is the asshole now?) I thought I would let you know what our team is riding for....

(my love of music and one day hoping to buy a whole bike)

Matt and Kelly
(those little chocolate candies)

(long knecks and one day kissing a girl)

(skim milk)

(speed, lightning and Kentucky Jelly)


Shak and I, we ride for Chris.

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Deadly lunch...

Shak and I decided to roll to Skyline chili for lunch today. Apparently, I am a terrible driver. I will tell our story in pictures.

First ...

Then ...


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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

At least they're honest

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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Blue Tooth Douche Bags

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I love milkshakes!

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The new Mario Kart

I haven't been fallowing the Mario Kart series, but apparently I'm missing out. I'm picking up the latest one when I get home.

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Monday, July 7, 2008


I want to eat at this dudes place....

Just trying to make an honest buck...

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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Usher Remix

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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

True thugs start early

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