Dear idiots,
I came home from work at 2 in the morning to find my 8 year old son sitting at the computer. After I yelled at him for being up so late and sent him to bed I went to the computer to see what he was looking at. It was your site. I went through it and I have to say that I am disgusted. You openly insult mentally disabled people, you openly use vulgar language, you openly talk about alcohol and drug use, and worst of all (in my opinion) you poke fun of our lord Jesus Christ. I have worked very hard to raise my son in a loving christian household and all you have done is ruined it. Put yourself in my shoes. Would you like your children to see the disgusting filth that you have on your site? I certaintly think not. Since you all act like your 12 years old with your potty humor, would you like your parents to see what your puting on your site? I'm sure that this is all falling on deaf ears and your all too stupid to listen to what I have to say but you should stop what your doing right now. I'm sure I'm not the only person who thinks so. You all need to grow up.
An angry parent
And our reply......
Dear Angry Parent (Bob)
Thank you for emailing us with your concerns. The last thing we would want to do is harm a child. Maybe if you didn't drop out of high school you wouldn't have to work the grave yard shift at the landfill (and you could spell words such as PUTTING AND CERTAINLY). Then you would actually be able to be with your son and show him the dangers of the Internet. Unfortunately, it is not my (or any other member of Team Sleeve of Wizard) job to be a parent to your son. It is your job. If you don't want him looking at certain websites on the Internet maybe you should watch what he does more carefully. I'm glad your son was looking at Ham Wallet vs. Wizard Sleeve. It sounds to me that your son is growing up in some oppressive household. Without our site, your son might not learn what a vagina is until he's 30. When your son graduates home schooling (because you sound like the kind of dick that would make their son be home schooled so you can teach creation instead of evolution) and he goes to college, he's going to go nuts, get addicted to crack, and drop out and probably become an even worst version of you. It will all be your fault too. I have a good idea. Instead of giving us advice on how to live our lives, let me give you advice on how not to be an asshole. Here it is... don't blame other people for your own problems. Anyway, have a good day today and have a good night shoveling shit at work tonight, hopefully you don't strain your back.
Team Sleeve of Wizard
P.S. Tell your son we thank him for checking out our site and that he can come back anytime.
Email us your own hate mail for fan mail or just whatever the hell you want to send to
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Our first hate mail!
Posted by
12:50 PM
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I think you were a little hard on your son, I have notified your local chapter of child protective services.
Also, you should be thanking us, because of our blog we have opened up the opportunity for you to have conversations with your son about safe sex, drug abuse, compassion, safety and obeying the law. I feel like you have unfairly placed the responsibility on us to babysit until 2am and practically raise your son.
Thanks for being a loyal reader (I mean you read all of the posts in one day) and be sure to look forward to future posts about Jesus, drugs and special SleeveOfWizard interests.
Tell your kid to start leaving comments and to get involved in our upcoming cell phone picture contest! He could win an MP3 player
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