Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I Hate Pittsburgh


Darren Hollywood said...

At first I thought it was a group of girls getting their picture at a construction site. Then I realized that is a person, not a Caterpillar excavator...

Probinu said...

I thought they were in the Ocean and she was the raft...

Probinu said...

I thought their plane had a rough landing and she was the inflatable slide they use to deboard the plane

Probinu said...

I thought someone was trying to cover their grill with a yellow tarp.

Probinu said...

I thought those girls were girl scouts and they were pitching their yellow eight man tent.

Probinu said...

I thought they were moving a yellow couch into their house.

Probinu said...

I thought they were trying to help their friend park her yellow VW GTI

Probinu said...

I thought she was the screen for the projector.

PennyAWeek said...

I wasn't surprised. I figured most Steelers fans looked like that.

Probinu said...

I thought she was the buffet and they were all in line.

Probinu said...

I thought this was the sequel to cloverfield and they were all trying to get out of the city

Number 1 Fan said...

I think those girls are stuck in orbit around her

Thumper Goldenrod said...

I thought they were all getting dental x-rays and she was the lead tarp
