Sunday, January 20, 2008

Just cause she dances go-go.....

The boys hit up a local casino last night. Some of us were up while some of use were down. Some of us were splitting 10's and some of us were just watching. I wish I could fill this post with some glamour stories about how we took down the house but really we were just some blackjack a-holes.

The point of the post is we headed on down to the local gentleman's club and some asshole dude was wearing this shirt:

Yes man, you are a testicle vein.

Then the most gloriously awesome thing happened. A pregnant stripper took the stage. This is the second most awesome thing I have ever seen take the pole on stage. (The first being the one armed stripper at spoons in Parkersburg). This Mother to be was shakin it like a polaroid picture.

Shak then proceeded to get up and Motorboat the shit out of her.

it was a good night.


Anonymous said...

Was this the girl that had the breasts of a 12 year old boy?

pittmaca said...

That was Shak's 16 year old mother of 3 girlfirend. Don't forget to mention how Harwell ran the joint...even getting one if the strippers "real name". Nice work!

Oliwa said...

Her 3 kids either sucked those things dry or they are starving!
